Meet Robyn, younger brother of the Flask web framework

NOTE: Don’t directly change your production server with Robyn web framework. The user’s discretion is advised.

Have you heard of this new gossip spreading in GitHub town!!! There is a newborn web framework that came into the town and recently it is getting a lot of popularity because of its cool features and async compatibility and its fast processing as it is built on Rust.

Photo by Jo Coenen – Studio Dries 2.6 on Unsplash

The author of the Robyn web framework Sanskar Jethi started this project on 22nd May 2021. Let’s first talk about some of its features


  • Underactive development!
  • Written in Rust, btw xD
  • A multithreaded Runtime
  • Extensible
  • A simple API
  • Sync and Async Function Support
  • Dynamic URL Routing
  • Multi-Core Scaling
  • WebSocket!
  • Hot Reloading (Still experimental)
  • Query Params
  • Events (Startup and Shutdown)
  • Community First and truly FOSS!


pip install robyn

To start a server with a single super useful API of hello world

from robyn import Robyn

app = Robyn(__file__)

async def hellow_world():
    return "Hello, world!"


Now just run the file with the python command


You can see the output in the terminal below

But after a while, the logs will be flooded by the below message. But it’s not a big deal, I’m also thinking to contribute in this cool project.

There is also a hot reloading feature but it’s in beta version as mentioned by the contributors. You can enable it using the below command

python --dev

Somehow quitting the framework is not as smooth as I thought. It left some dangling processes alive on the port once it exited.

Writing API requests is very easy and the same as Flask 2.0

GET Request

async def h(request):
return "Hello World"

POST Request"/post")
async def postreq(request):
return bytearray(request["body"]).decode("utf-8")

PUT Request

async def postreq(request):
return bytearray(request["body"]).decode("utf-8")

PATCH Request

async def postreq(request):
return bytearray(request["body"]).decode("utf-8")

DELETE Request

async def postreq(request):
return bytearray(request["body"]).decode("utf-8")

Having Dynamic Routes

You can add params in the routes and access them from the request object."/jsonify/:id")
async def json(request):
return jsonify({"hello": "world"})

Some of the features are exactly like Flask. If you want to get JSON data then you can use the Jsonify function of Robyn web framework

from robyn import jsonify"/jsonify") 
async def json(request):
return jsonify({"hello": "world"})


Robyn web framework is also having an outbox solution for WebSocket in it. This feature really impressed me. You can now serve WebSockets using Robyn. Firstly, you need to create a WebSocket Class and wrap it around your Robyn app.

from robyn import Robyn, static_file, jsonify, WS
app = Robyn(__file__)
websocket = WS(app, "/web_socket")

Now, you can define 3 methods for every web_socket for their life cycle, they are as follows:

def connect():
global i
if i==0:
return "Whaaat??"
elif i==1:
return "Whooo??"
elif i==2:
return "*chika* *chika* Slim Shady."
elif i==3:
i= -1
return ""@websocket.on("close")
def close():
return "Goodbye world, from ws"@websocket.on("connect")
def message():
return "Hello world, from ws"

The three methods:

  • “message” is called when the socket receives a message
  • “close” is called when the socket is disconnected
  • “connect” is called when the socket connects


async def connect():
global i
if i==0:
return "Whaaat??"
elif i==1:
return "Whooo??"
elif i==2:
return "*chika* *chika* Slim Shady."
elif i==3:
i= -1
return ""@websocket.on("close")
async def close():
return "Goodbye world, from ws"@websocket.on("connect")
async def message():
return "Hello world, from ws"

Performance comparison across different frameworks

I am pasting the following comparison that is done by the author of Robyn web framework on his development machine.

I used oha to perform the testing of 10000 requests on the following frameworks and the results were as follows


Total:        5.5254 secs 
Slowest: 0.0784 secs
Fastest: 0.0028 secs
Average: 0.0275 secs
Requests/sec: 1809.8082


Total:        4.1314 secs 
Slowest: 0.0733 secs
Fastest: 0.0027 secs
Average: 0.0206 secs
Requests/sec: 2420.4851


Total:        13.5070 secs 
Slowest: 0.3635 secs
Fastest: 0.0249 secs
Average: 0.0674 secs
Requests/sec: 740.3558

Robyn(Doesn’t need a *SGI)

Total:    1.8324 secs 
Slowest: 0.0269 secs
Fastest: 0.0024 secs
Average: 0.0091 secs
Requests/sec: 5457.2339

Robyn (5 workers)

Total:    1.5592 secs 
Slowest: 0.0211 secs
Fastest: 0.0017 secs
Average: 0.0078 secs
Requests/sec: 6413.6480

Robyn web framework is able to serve the 10k requests in 1.8 seconds followed by Flask and FastAPI, which take around 5 seconds(using 5 workers on a dual-core machine). Finally, Django takes around 13.5070 seconds.


If you liked this story. Then you can buy me a coffee using this link. That will motivate me to write more blogs like this. Peace out.

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