The most basic thing of any application is the configuration variables. Some of them are constant throughout the application lifecycle and others keep on changing. The ones that are constants we just create a constant package and reference them from it. It helps us to avoid all the hardcoding in the application. And the other part that is most important is the variables that are kept on changing in the application that is generally known as Configurations.
So how to manage them, where to store them, how to access them? There are many questions related to configuration management. In this blog, we will be going to discuss the ways to manage configuration in Python. Especially the pydantic library
There are several ways of managing configurations. Let’s talk about the most common ones
Store the configurations as a constant in the application and they will be applied once you start your application. This is the easiest way but the major disadvantage is that whenever you want to change the configuration you have to redeploy the app again. Also to change the configurations you have to change the code every now and then.
File-based Configurations
There are many ways to do it like using a .ini, JSON, XML, YAML file for storing configuration and using libraries like config parser or loading JSON config in frameworks like Django and Flask. But if it comes to adding more configuration or overriding them or putting some logic into it, then it’s difficult for them
Environment Variables
This is the most common way nowadays as you just have to load the configuration using environment variables or environment files. It works mostly the same way as file-based configuration but the overriding capability is insane.
In this blog, we are going to talk mostly about configuration management using environment variables.
Let’s dive into it
Config Management with Environment Variables
Let’s create a simple flask Application
First, create a config file and named it
Insert a configuration NAME in it and load it with the environment variable
import os
NAME = os.environ.get('NAME')
Access the same environment variable inside the APP
from flask import Flask
import config
app = Flask(__name__)
async def hello_world():
template = f'''
<p>Hello, {config.NAME}!</p>
return template
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now to expose the environment variable to the app there are several ways
1. Inline
2. Export the Environment Variable
3. Load from a .env file
Create a .env file
# .env
If you want to load the whole .env file from the local system then create another file
set -o allexport
source $ENV_FILE
set +o allexport
change this file to an executable file
chmod 755
Now load the .env file using the below command
./ .env python
4. python-dotenv
Install the library using the below command
pip install python-dotenv
So before initializing the app you just have to put these lines
from dotenv import load_dotenv
load_dotenv() # take environment variables from .env.
And you’re will look like this now
from flask import Flask
import config
from dotenv import load_dotenv
load_dotenv() # take environment variables from .env.
app = Flask(__name__)
async def hello_world():
template = f'''
<p>Hello, {config.NAME}!</p>
return template
if __name__ == '__main__':
Run the application without exporting the variables explicitly by the export command
This is the basic usage of environment variables. Hope everyone is with me till now and you must be using these ways already as there is nothing new in it.
Now let’s talk about managing the environment using the Pydantic library
According to Pydantic’s official documentation
Data validation and settings management using python type annotations.Pydantic enforces type hints at runtime and provides user-friendly errors when data is invalid. Define how data should be in pure, canonical python; validate it with pydantic.
One of the most useful applications of Pydantic is setting management. So let’s use Pydantic in our application.
For setting management, we have to create a custom config class and have to inherit BaseSettings class of Pydantic. Let’s modify our configuration to have a different environment and some more configurations.
1. Class-based config
import os
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseSettings
class Base(BaseSettings):
SECRET_KEY: str = "random_string"
PORT: int = 5050
USERNAME: str = "ANAND"settings = Base()
Now with the above configuration, you can access your configuration using settings.PORT like that. As you can see it also support type annotation that will really help you for type checking.
So if you do
# Output "random_string"
It will just display you the default value that we have mentioned in the configuration.
2. Environment variable combined with Class-based configuration
let’s say if you want to provide some other random value on the go to the SECRET_KEY. Then you can pass the environment variable for that. So let’s say we do
export SECRET_KEY='env_random_string'
Now do
# Output "env_random_string"
So environment variable automatically overrides the secret key. So most of the time it’s the case that your environment variable is having a different name than the config name, which is also possible with Pydantic. Just change the configuration like below
SECRET_KEY: str = Field('random_string', env='ANOTHER_SECRET_KEY')
Here we have used Field
the variable of Pydantic. We can provide env
parameters to specify from which environment variable we have to take the configuration from
export ANOTHER_SECRET_KEY=another_env_key# Run the application print(settings.SECRET_KEY)
# Output "another_env_key"
3. Env based Configuration using Inheritance
We can also use Pydantic for our production-based application where there are different environments.
import os
from typing import Union
from pydantic import BaseSettings, Field
class Base(BaseSettings):
SECRET_KEY: str = Field('random_string', env='ANOTHER_SECRET_KEY')
PORT: int = 5050
class Dev(Base):
class Prod(Base):
USERNAME = "Production"
PORT = 5051
config = dict(
settings: Union[Dev, Prod] = config[os.environ.get('ENV', 'dev').lower()]()
Just run the application using
In the main application, you can use settings
variables to access all the configurations
from flask import Flask
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from config import settings
load_dotenv() # take environment variables from .env.
app = Flask(__name__)
async def hello_world():
template = f'''
<p>Hello, {settings.USERNAME}!</p>
return template
if __name__ == '__main__':
4. Case sensitive environment variables
Most of the time our environment variables are CAPITAL cases and our configurations are smaller cases, so in that case, we cannot override every configuration with another name. So that can be fixed using the case-sensitive property. Just add a metaclass Config
inside settings classes
class Base(BaseSettings):
secret_key: str = Field('random_string', env='ANOTHER_SECRET_KEY')
port: int = 5050
username: str = "ANAND"
class Config:
case_sensitive = False
Now the username
configuration is getting the value from USERNAME/username
environment variable.
5. Dotenv (.env) support
The crazy feature of Pydantic is it is having out of box full support of the python-dotenv library. You can actually load the whole .env file into the python application context. You just have to install Pydantic with an extra dependency of python-dotenv like below
pip install pydantic[dotenv]
Now let’s update our old .env
file with the updated value of the configuration
Jut modify the configuration so that it will get configuration from .env file
class Base(BaseSettings):
secret_key: str = Field('random_string', env='ANOTHER_SECRET_KEY')
port: int = 5050
username: str = "ANAND"
class Config:
case_sensitive = False
env_file = '.env' # This is the key factor
Now your base settings will read all the environment variables from .env. In a real-world scenario, we are having different environment variables for dev different for prod and different for other environments. We can achieve this by pydantic like below.
class Base(BaseSettings):
secret_key: str = Field('random_string', env='ANOTHER_SECRET_KEY')
port: int = 5050
username: str = "ANAND"
class Config:
case_sensitive = False
env_file = '.env'
class Dev(Base):
username = "TRIPATHI"
class Config:
env_file = 'dev.env'
class Prod(Base):
username = "Production"
port = 5051
class Config:
env_file = 'prod.env'
However, there are many features of Pydantic that I cannot cover here but I guess this was sufficient to convince you all to use this library for configuration management. If still you are not convinced you can go to this official doc of Pydantic Configuration Management where you will find some more features of it.
To access the full project please check out this Github link
Now if you run ENV=dev python
or python
It will output
It will run on port 5080 and the output is

If you run with a production environment like ENV=prod python
then it will run on port 5090 and the output is

I hope you will use this method of configuration management in your local and production applications and a plus point is that it will move your app more towards a 12-factor application.